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Robust solutions for enterprise networks

Get ready for the future! Turn your network into a competitive advantage through an integrated portfolio focused on enterprise network infrastructures

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Wi-Force Line

A complete line of high performance, remote manageable routers that meet your everyday needs and offer speed and efficiency for studying, working and having fun.

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Corporate line Wi-Fi

With high-performance Wi-Fi line, you offer quality wireless Internet in large events and ambients with high density of persons, assuring network control.


Twibi Force Line

Get strong and constant Wi-Fi in every corner of your home. Totally installed and managed by app, you may connect up to 6 twibis on the same network.

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Safety networks

Complete solutions for safety and IP communication projects. Practical features and reliability with high-performance equipment, which may save on infrastructure.

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National GPON line

What do you think to offer high performance optical fiber communication and immune to electromagnetic interferences? Intelbras offers quality options with easy purchase via Finame and BNDES.



Protocolo Mesh da Intelbras, compatível com as linhas Wi-Force e WiFiber. A tecnologia é capaz de levar Wi-Fi de amplo alcance para múltiplos dispositivos.